© 2024-2025 OMS Literature 7th Grade
Accelerated Reader
Independent Reading Program
As a part of student independent reading, the Accelerated Reader program will
be utilized to monitor student reading progress. This is an online program
which allows students to choose books over subjects they enjoy to read. To
monitor reading comprehension, a multiple choice quiz will be completed
following completion of the book with AR points awarded based on the quiz
Students can regularly check their AR progress by simply logging into their AR
program (even from home) and viewing the “Progress” page. AR goals are
individualized and are based on a number of different assessments.
Students may select to read AR nonfiction quizzes which are typically short in
length and can be easily read in one sitting. These artcles cover a range of and
topics with a list that continues to be updated. Students who may find reading
whole books tiresome can easily find success with these nonfiction articles.
Once a student completes an article, he or she will take a corresponding quiz
with the opportunity to earn 1 AR point. The AR Articles are found on the
Student AR Portal. Students who rush through the articles and do not score well
on the quiz will notice that their selection of titles will not increase. Students
should not rely entirely on completing their AR goal by just reading AR
Articles only.
Independent Reading Homework
Students should be reading their independent reading material on an average
of twenty minutes per day or about 120 minutes per week. As students
complete a selected AR book, they should then take the corresponding AR quiz.
Students will be expected to have their AR books with them at school
throughout the day. Many teachers will have extra time at the end of a period in
which students will be expected to read. Students who come to my class
without their reading material can expect to receive a tardy if they have to go to
their lockers in order to get a book. We are scheduled as a class to have library
time once a week so students will have plenty of library access time. Students
will have also have opportunities to go to the library during their Warrior Time.
Students can also go to the library in the morning after 7:30 a.m. until the first
bell to use the resources as needed.
i-Ready Diagnostics
To assess student reading achievement, we will be using an online diagnostic
tool known as i-Ready. You can find more information regarding this program
by clicking on this link: Parent Guide. The i-Ready program is an adaptive
assessment designed to measure a student’s reading ability but to also provide
individualized instruction to encourage reading growth.
STAR Reading Progress Monitoring Assessment
Aligned cohesively with the AR program is the STAR assessment. This is a
reading tool that is shorter in length than the i-Ready assessment and can be
given on a more timely schedule to quickly assess a student’s reading progress.
Students will be assessed using STAR at least once each nine-week period.
AR Links
AR Due Dates
2nd Nine Weeks - Oct 7 - Dec 13
3rd Nine Weeks - Dec 16 - Feb 28
4th Nine Weeks - Mar 3 - May 16
Library Day
On Thursdays, our classes will generally
meet in the library. Students are to bring
their reading materials with them to class.
AR Nonfiction Titles
World eBook (InfOhio Resource)
Students can take AR nonfiction article quizzes
through the InfOhio website. Click on the link
above and go to the bottom of the page to find
World Book eBooks.
*Recommended AR Texts
This is a list of some short story texts that are
shorter in length and considered CLASSSICS.
See the list.
AR Grading
AR grades are based on student goals. The
goals are determined by a student’s reading
level and other assessments. A student’s AR
grade is determined by the student reaching
his/her AR goal.
Each nine weeks an AR grade will be given
which will count as 100 points.
Weekly class goals will count as a grade in
an effort to encourage students to keep
reading and not to watit to long in achieving
his or her AR nine-week goal.
Students who have achieved more points
than their required AR goal may receive up
to and including 20 extra- credit points
each nine-week grading period.
Audio Books
Unless there is a specific reason for using
audio books at school, it is not recommended
that students use them for their independent
FYI - During testing, students are not permitted
to use any electronic devices which prevents
the use of audio books.