7 Literature @ OMS
© 2024-2025 OMS Literature 7th Grade

Assignments for the

Week of

Dec 2- 6 Dec 9 -13 Dec 16 - 20 All assignments are posted in Google Classroom. If you are absent, be sure to check your assignments and turn in as soon as possible. Students are provided one day for each day absent to submit makeup work.


Be sure to check the Google Classroom “Stream” page to see if there are any class announcements. Current news will be posted there first. Remember to meet your assignment deadline. You will NOT receive credit for late work. Turn in your “paper” homework in the box located at the front of the classroom near the exit.

AR Due Dates

1st Nine Weeks - Aug 15 - Oct 4 DONE 2nd Nine Weeks - Oct 7 - Dec 13 DONE 3rd Nine Weeks - Dec 16 - Feb 28 4th Nine Weeks - Mar 3 - May 16
7th Literature
© 2020-2021 OMS Literature 7th Grade Email: johnson.m@olsohio.org


for the Week of

Dec 2- 6 Dec 9 -13 Dec 16 - 20 All assignments are posted in Google Classroom. If you are absent, be sure to check your assignments and turn in as soon as possible. Students are provided one day for each day absent to submit makeup work.


Be sure to check the Google Classroom “Stream” page to see if there are any class announcements. Current news will be posted there first. Remember to meet your assignment deadline. You will NOT receive credit for late work. Turn in your “paper” homework in the box located at the front of the classroom near the exit.

AR Due Dates

1st Nine Weeks - Aug 15 - Oct 4 DONE 2nd Nine Weeks - Oct 7 - Dec 13 DONE 3rd Nine Weeks - Dec 16 - Feb 28 4th Nine Weeks - Mar 3 - May 16

Audio Books

Unless there is a specific reason for using audio books at school, it is not recommended that students use them for their independent reading at school. For those students who are struggling with reading, audio books can be a great resource. Unfortunately there are those students who use the audio book as an excuse to use their electronic devices for other purposes other than just reading. Since students are provided independent reading in all their classrooms, teachers would prefer all students to have hard copy books with them during designated independent reading time. It is imperative that students learn to improve their reading skills including the use of a hard book. Students may certainly use audio books for independent reading outside of school. FYI - During testing, students are not permitted to use any electronic devices which prevents the use of audio books.